Thursday, December 30, 2010

Had lots of fun last night. It was freezing at Antoine's. Thanks to someone that I recently met, I feel great. Honestly, this whole past two weeks have been great. Thank you holidays for bringing us out, and friends ;]. Ehh driving at 7 in the morning is NOT fun, lol especially when it's this cold. Thanks for the ride Donald ;)!

Such a shame things.. =S. Anyways, time to rest.. could use it now!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I don't have school for another month LOL! HMM, what to do.. I'm short on cash so I think I'll sit out on hanging out.. FOR A MONTH. PLEASE VISIT ME, AND BRING ME FOOD!! I like all kinds of food :>. Just kidding! Lmao. I think I can have some stuff worked out by the end of next month. Maybe learn Korean, work out, game, and harass microcenter for a job.

I got a 3.25 GPA this semester! Felt like I could have gotten a 4.0 but I didn't keep my head to it :/. I can take it up to my insurance doode and get my discount, finally though. College is much easier than HS if you can stop procrastinating. Scheduling is important! I did pretty decent at scheduling but there were times where I felt I wasn't fully prepared.

Meh, enough about school for now! I need to busify myself - like sending in my camcorder to get it replaced and finding my phone so I can send sekc pictures of my microscopic arms. YEP.

Anyways, time to thuglife till New Years :).
meanwhile, I'll be in the BATCAVE. HIT ME UP!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Heh, HuK is playing Kpop and playing SC2! LIKUHME! This week has been a lil crazy, but fun. Meh :) I kind of want school to start already.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

It feels like I haven't posted anything up in weeks! Sorry blog, I'll get back to you tonight, I hope!!! Anyways I am finished with school till February ;)! AWESOME! Finally free time. I didn't have any in the last few weeks of class. NO MORE STRESS, NO MORE PIMPLES!!!!!!!!!

Aha,anyways hung around with the UC guys again. Tons of fun times recently! Anyways gonna party tonight. Yay for meeting random people? :) Hanging out with Roshan too. That loser.

Monday, December 13, 2010

sup, slick!

Finals, papers, and friends have been keeping me busy! Sorry blog audience! Just haven't been bored enough lately to blog!

Just bought a 250 ct. bed sheet, and a flannel bed sheet! Was hoping to get at least 400 =( but it was much more so w/e, I'll wait for IKEA haha.

Here's a random thought!
Oh I get annoyed by people who type like this . <- period extended. Just a peeve from this guy on facebook who also moans about how his life fucking sucks and how he drains himself in ecstasy. What an annoying bitch!. Oh and when guys do (:. NOT COO, LOL.

Anyways, I have a final in a few minutes and I didn't study. Don't have to. Lol. The third test is not necessary actually... But it's to help people that didn't do so well on the other two tests but I did fine. I'm just here actually so I can stay away from my house and so I can study for my other final @ 7 and perhaps start on my 8-10 page research paper.

Friday, December 10, 2010 is a great site.

i think i'm going to make instructional videos - but i don't know where to start. it'd be fun and interesting and i'd be making somewhat little money unless *cough* i make it big or something!

anywhos, i'll see what i can think of.
I completed two papers this week. I am glad that's all over though! My sleeping schedule has been fucked up.. I don't even sleep at 10 anymore but at 1AM or so! I do wake up at around 7 still, but I just end up sleeping in! I liked waking up early, it's just been so standard for me lol. I hope it returns to being normal again.

Anyways, I came back from class and had a potluck! Too bad I was sort of full to begin with, but hey it's fun still. Ralph, David and I got Jade China for the potluck and they were digging in on it. There was so much! I had to bring the rest home, but hey good chow mein does not sound bad.. :)

10 days, woohoo! I hope everyone can make it. . Vincent's gonna be back in about.. 17 hours. Yep. Lol. Antoine mentioned he'd be back at around tomorrow as well, but that was a few weeks ago. Hmm, I think I'm gonna kick it back with Friends tonight. :). Shiki and Gantz kept me busy today, pretty awesome stuff. If you're feeling something with Vampires, go with Shiki. If ur feeling up some good action drama, check out Chuno. If you just like the gruesome stuff, check out Gantz! Anyways goodnight! =D

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dang almost forgot I had a blog! LOL, let's just say that I've been pretty busy with school, friends and stuff. Technically I should be working on my essay, but I got home earlier than I expected from class so it's all good :).

Hung out with Annie Saturday! Fun fun, watched a movie, went around Mercado and TJ Maxx. Watched Due Date, which was surprisingly pretty good and funny! I thought I blogged about it already but I guess I closed it.

Jeff and Joey came over that night? I don't remember but we played Black Ops till late! Man I suck! KD went down the drain that night :P. Played Black Ops pretty late with Peter yesterday too. KD went down again ;_;.

Today, I just slept in, did some school work and procrastinate. I'm almost finished, probably would need another hour or so of continuous work and then I can call it a night. I'm planning a little "party" or so to speak, a hang out for the UC students, and the SJ peeps. I'm trying to invite all the people who made a major impact to me. I love them, that's why I'm doing this :)! It's also for exchanging Secret Santa stuff too. It'll be fun with the xbox, and what not! It's planned to be on a Monday night!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Went to the gym a hour ago! It was... not that great lol. I need gloves :(. I'm going back @ 1 tomorrow, and I paid a two year subscription for $300. $12.50 a month, not too bad. I heard 24 hour was doing 3 years for 220ish at costco though.. Bleh, but this place is going to be nicer after the construction and stuff is complete! 24 hours as well... has a small dance studio, pool and jacuzzi! Don't know if the jacuzzi is unisex though. LOL.

Fuck, I'm broke. Stupid GPS!! Looks like I'm not going on the snow trip either. W/E. I'll just buff up in that time =).

kk time to buy healthy food, ttyl!