Okayokayokay, so I had class today and I wasn't finished with my cleaning my room! Super super messy and was last minute prepared for class. I kept forgetting things like my remote control. Anyways I couldn't get off my mind what the plans for the night were! I dressed up at school just so the time crunch wouldn't be bad but that didn't matter anymore e_e. Damn Vincent :D. Lol. Class was pretty somewhat a bore, but it was okay - great professor. On a side note, I think I might have the Mission College Triton eye :/. Anyways, the Bio class is a hybrid so it's both online and in-class. Not bad, considering the traffic is dead ^^. Plus there's In n Out at school and a movie theaters!
Okay, boring shit. School = boring shit. Let's move on to the better things in life. FUN! After school, I dropped by home for something to eat then back to return some shit. Picked up Vincent, then Trisha and a good drive to pick up Leslie! It was about another 20 mile drive to the store and we barely made it to our reservation that was really needed. I overlooked it but thank god Leslie had my back! And the night drive began.Went to KTV, which has a wide variety of music, but does not have the best selection or have music videos but it is very very clean and has a nice environment inside. The lobby could have been better. Okay less complaining. Karaoke was a blast. Really. Well ofc you need to get fucked up.. and that's where you can assume things =). There's no alcohol allowed inside.. but they were in our bellies so hey, loop hole! ;]. Anyways, lots and lots of slurring singing was involved. :D. I don't know how to describe the night really, but it was funfunfun I suppose and it was really interesting new experience. Ran out of booze a little too short from the part where it would have gotten even more fun but that's fine, still a great experience. We had things to chat about, things to sing, things to say. Anyways, that sums up most of the night.
WAIT HOLD A SEC.. LT, TT AND VT.. Damn Tran(g)s! Lol.
In summarizing of the night is also the end of this post. Night kiddo.
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